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The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) for the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) documents transportation planning and transportation related planning activities. The purpose of the UPWP is to ensure that a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive (3C) approach to planning for transportation needs is maintained and properly coordinated with other jurisdictions and MPO’s, the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).

The UPWP is a planning document that identifies and describes the MPO’s budget, planning activities, studies, and technical support expected to be undertaken in a two-year period. It also lists the funding source(s) for each task and specifies whether the task(s) will be conducted by MPO staff, consultants or county agencies.  It is a fiscally constrained document based on programmed planning grants and local contributions.

The FY 2023 – 2024 UPWP work cycle if from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2024, and can be accessed at the links below.  The FY 2025 – 2026 UPWP for July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026, was approved by the Collier MPO Board on May 10, 2024, and can be accessed at the following link: FY 24/25-25/26 UPWP.

UPWP revisions fall into two categories – modifications and amendments – with each category requiring different actions by FDOT, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

    Modifications are revisions that:

  1. Do not change the FHWA approved planning (PL) budget or
  2. Do not change the scope of a FHWA funded work task(s) or
  3. Do not add or delete a work task(s)

    Amendments are revisions that:

  1. Change the FHWA approved PL budget or
  2. Change the scope of a FHWA funded work task(s) or
  3. Add or delete a work task(s)

Fifth Amended UPWP Admin Mod 2 (FY 22-24) (6/19/24)

Fifth Amended UPWP Admin Mod (FY 22-24) (5/10/24)

Fifth Amended UPWP (FY 22-24) (12/8/23)

Fourth Amended UPWP (FY22-24) (9/8/23)

Third Amended UPWP (FY 22-24) (5/12/23)

Second Amended UPWP (FY 22-24) (10/14/22)

First Amended UPWP (FY 22-24) (9/9/22)

Initial UPWP (FY 22-24)

Click the link above to view the Collier MPO FY 22/23-23/24 UPWP.  Questions and comments can be submitted by email to Anne McLaughlin at

UPWP Amendment 1

The Collier MPO has prepared an amendment to the FY22/23-23/24 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) to reallocate funding throughout task 6 (Transit and Transportation Disadvantaged).  This was necessary to add a new study (Zero Emission Transition Plan) Public Transit and Neighborhood Enhancement Division is required to complete, and add §5307 funds to the UPWP to fund a portion of the study, and reallocate §5305(d) funds to pay for the remainder of the study. Two attachments have been prepared for the amendment:

FY 23-24 UPWP Draft_Amendment 1 (Track Changes)

FY 23-24 UPWP Draft Amendment 1_(Clean)

UPWP Amendment 2

The Collier MPO prepared an amendment to the FY22/23-23/24 UPWP to reallocate funding from personnel services to consultant services within Tasks 1, 2, 3 and 5 to provide general support to the MPO.  The amendment is a net zero dollar revision.

FY 23-24 UPWP Amendment 2 (Track Changes and Summary of Changes)

UPWP Amendment 3

The Collier MPO prepared an amendment to the FY22/23-23/24 UPWP to reallocate personnel PL funds (totaling $50,000) from Tasks 2, 4, 5, and 6 to personnel PL funds for Task 1; Reallocate $3,000 in PL funds from personnel within Tasks 1, 3 and 5 to PL funds for consultants in the corresponding tasks; and include an additional $2,667 in PL funds for Task 6 -FDOT notified Collier MPO that the 5305(d) program PL fund allocation increased by $2,667.  Documentation showing the changes made to Amendment 2 are below:

UPWP Amendment 3 fund changes overview
UPWP Amendment 3 track changes

UPWP Amendment 4

Collier MPO prepared an amendment to the FY22/23-23/24 UPWP to update the amount of the FY 23/24 Transportation Disadvantaged Planning Grant award from a prior estimate.  Other changes include updated completion dates for some studies/plans (Tasks 5 and 6), Substitution of Safe Streets for All Action Plan for Local Road Safety Plan (Task 5), and Language specifying the amount of current PL funding required to be, and allocated toward, Complete Streets initiatives (Task 5).  Documentation showing the changes made to Amendment 3 is below:

FY 23-24 UPWP Amendment 4 (Track Changes)

UPWP Amendment 5

Collier MPO prepared an amendment to the FY22/23-23/24 UPWP to: include funding information for the Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Program and associated Safety Action Plan ($200,000 from USDOT; $40,000 from Collier County; and $10,000 from carryover MPO Local Funds) (Task 5); Remove the Transportation System Performance Report from the scope of work (Task 5) and reallocate the associated FY 23/24 SU funding ($50,000) towards the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) (Task 4); and reallocate $13,000 in FY 23/24 personnel funding from Task 4 (LRTP) to Task 7 (Regional Coordination).  Documentation showing the changes made to Amendment 4 is below:

FY 22-24 UPWP Amendment 5 track changes to Amendment 4

UPWP Amendment 5, Administrative Modification

The Fifth Amended UPWP was administratively modified to reallocate $20,000 from Tasks 2 through 7 to personnel for Task 1, Administration.  Documentation showing the changes made to Amendment 5 is below:

FY 23-24 UPWP Admin Mod 1 to Amend 5 track changes

UPWP Amendment 5, Administrative Modification 2

The second administrative modification to the Fifth Amended UPWP reallocated the sum of $19,000 from Tasks 3 through 7, and from subtasks within Task 1, to personnel for Task 1, Administration.  Documentation showing the changes made is below:

FY 23-24 UPWP Admin Mod 2 to Amnd 5 track changes

Prior Year UPWPs, Amendments & Modifications

Prior year UPWPs, amendments, and modifications may be downloaded by clicking on the links below. Questions and comments can be submitted by email to Anne McLaughlin at

      FY 21-22 
      Modification #5
      Modification #5 – Track Changes
      Modification #5 – Breakdown
      Amendment 4
      Amendment #3
      Amendment #2
      Amendment #1
      FY 19-20
      Modification 7
      Amendment #6
      Amendment #5
      Amendment #4
      Modification #3
      Amendment #2
      Amendment #1
FY 17-18
Amendment #7
Amendment #6
Modification #5
Modification #4
Amendment #3
Amendment #2
Amendment #1