The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a five-year, fiscally constrained, multi-modal program of transportation projects within the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization Planning Area that will receive federal and/or state funding. The TIP is updated each year and includes highway, bridge, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, transit, congestion management, road and bridge maintenance, transportation planning and transportation disadvantaged projects.
The TIP is developed through a continuous, cooperative and comprehensive (3C) planning process by the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in coordination with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), state and local governments and public transit operators. This collaborative effort ensures that projects programmed in the FDOT Work Program address the MPO’s highest transportation project priorities. The TIP also includes aviation projects and all regionally significant transportation projects for which Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or Federal Transit Administration (FTA) approval is required. For informational purposes, the TIP may also identify other transportation projects that are not funded with federal funds.
FY 2025-2029 Transportation Improvement Program
Select the link to view the CURRENT TIP
MPO staff developed an interactive map for the FY25-29 TIP that can be viewed at this link: Interactive Map
If you have comments or questions on the interactive map, please contact Anne McLaughlin, MPO Executive Director, or call 239-252-5884.
FY 2026-2030 Draft Tentative Work Program
FDOT has distributed its Draft Tentative Work Program (DTWP) for FY2026-2030. After the State Legislature approves a final version of FDOT’s Work Program, it forms the basis for the project sheets in the MPO’s new FY2026-2030 TIP which will be adopted by the MPO Board in June 2025. Click on this link to view the DTWP: 01 COLLIER COUNTY DT WP FY 26-30
MPO staff has prepared an interactive map to go with it.
Prior Year TIPs
If you have comments or questions concerning the TIP, please contact Sean Kingston, Principal Planner, at 239-252-5859 or at