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Public Participation Plan (PPP)

The Public Participation Plan (PPP) provides a framework to the public involvement process regarding MPO planning related activities.  The plan identifies federal, state and MPO requirements; PPP goals, objectives and policies; planning activities which require public involvement and the process(es) involved when providing the public with full access to and notice of planning activities. The PPP incorporates the following guiding principles into the development of any required transportation plan or program:

  • Early and continuous public involvement opportunities throughout the planning and programming process;
  • Timely information to citizens, affected public agencies, representatives of transportation agencies, private sector transportation entities and other interested parties including segments of the community affected by transportation plans, programs, and projects;
  • Adequate public notice of public involvement activities and ample time for public review and comment at key decision points;
  • Consideration of the needs of the traditionally underserved, including low‐income and minority citizens;
  • Periodic review of public involvement efforts by the MPO to ensure full and open access to all;
  • Review of public involvement procedures by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) when necessary;
  • Coordination of MPO public involvement processes with statewide efforts whenever possible;
  • Reasonable public access to information; and
  • Consideration and reasonable response to public comments received.
  • The PPP was adopted by the MPO Board on February 8, 2019 and amended on June 12, 2020 to establish special provisions for public outreach to be conducted during emergency situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The MPO Board adopted a resolution describing emergency approvals and public involvement strategies to use during a declared emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic. You can view Resolution 2020-06 here.