In development: 2050 LRTP
The MPO, with assistance from Jacobs, is in the process of updating its LRTP. The LRTP is the master plan of the MPO. It is the MPO’s guiding document for the future of the transportation network of the entire Collier County area, including the cities of Naples, Marco Island, and Everglades City, and guides project prioritization for the Transportation Improvement Program. The MPO is required to complete an LRTP to receive federal transportation funds. MPOs are federally required to develop and maintain a LRTP that addresses no less than a 20-year planning horizon and to develop and update their LRTPs every 5 years. This ensures that the future transportation system is efficient, fosters mobility and access for people and goods, and enhances the overall quality of life for the community. The MPO uses federal, state, and local funds to carry out a Continuing, Cooperative, and Comprehensive (3-C) long range planning process that establishes a Countywide vision for the transportation system. The LRTP is a central part of achieving this vision. Other plans of the MPO will be incorporated into the LRTP, including The Congestion Management Process (adopted), Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (in production), Safety Action Plan (in production), and Transit Development Plan (in production).
The below flowchart presents the plans that are incorporated by reference into the LRTP, their update cycle, and how they ultimately inform the TIP and UPWP.
The LRTP must be multimodal and should include, at a minimum, highway and transit infrastructure improvements. It will cover a broad range of issues including environmental impact, economic development, mobility, safety, security, and quality of life. The Collier MPO 2050 LRTP update began in March 2024 and is projected for completion and adoption in December of 2025. The LRTP is being developed to ensure consistency with all applicable state and federal requirements guiding its development process. Its primary purpose is to help citizens, businesses, and elected officials collaborate on developing a multimodal and sustainable transportation system that addresses projected growth over the next 20 years. The 2050 LRTP update identifies needed transportation network improvements and provides a long‐term investment framework to address current and future transportation challenges.
During each phase of LRTP planning, various techniques for outreach and information sharing will be employed. These techniques include public workshops, focus groups, public hearings, newsletters, a project-specific website, and public service announcements.
Phase 1: Existing Conditions Analysis & Goals
Phase 2: Scenario Planning
Phase 3: Needs & Cost Feasible Plan
Phase 4: Final LRTP
The major steps in the public participation process are matched to the following major milestones in the LRTP development process:
- Land Use and Socioeconomic Data Development
- Data Review and Analysis
- Needs Plan Development
- Transportation Alternatives
- Alternatives Testing
- Financial Resource Analysis
- Cost Feasible Plan
- Draft 2050 LRTP
- Adoption
Engagement Type | Target Date or Timeframe |
Public Engagement Meetings held in three locations | Meeting 1: October 2024
Meeting 2: May 2025 |
Virtual Public Engagement: Interactive map | Needs List Map: October through December 2024
Cost Feasible Plan Map: March through May 2025 |
Virtual Public Engagement: Community Surveys | Through July of 2025 |
Tribal Outreach Meetings | First set: Miccosukee – 10/17/24; Seminole – 10/18/24
Second set: March 2025 |
Popup public meetings will be held in two locations for those who reside in traditionally underserved communities | October 2024
March 2025 |
MPO Advisory Committee and MPO Board Meetings | Meetings Round 1: September through October 2024
Meetings Round 2: May (Joint Lee and Collier MPO Board review of Cost Feasible plan) through June 2025 Meetings Round 3: August through September 2025 Meetings Round 4: November through December 2025 (Board Adoption of the LRTP) |
The below chart shows the development of the LRTP’s major sections
The below timeline shows the development of LRTP elements with public participation and regional coordination
The below chart shows projected timeline of milestone deliverables
Contact Anne McLaughlin, MPO Executive Director, for more information at 239-252-5884 or via email:
2050 LRTP Documents Currently Under Review
The Technical Advisory and Citizens Advisory Committees and the MPO Board are currently reviewing draft versions of the Public Involvement Plan and Chapters 1 and 2 of the 2050 LRTP. The documents may be viewed as they were presented to the MPO Board at their meeting on 9/13/24: 2050 LRTP Board Review Packet 9-13-24 along with the presentation given by Jacobs Engineering, the MPO’s consultant: 10A.1 LRTP2050_VisiongGoalsPresentation_August2024
Comments are always welcome and can be emailed to:
Current and active: 2045 LRTP
The MPO Board approved the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) on December 11, 2020. Click on the following links to view the electronic file: FinalCollier2045LRTP6-1-21; a double-sided printable version: FinalCollier2045LRTP6-1-21_print ; appendices: Final_2045LRTP_Appendices_1-21-21 and Technical Compendium: Final_2045LRTP_TechnicalCompendium_1-21-21 .
The MPO Board approved an amendment to the 2045 LRTP on December 8, 2023 revising Table 6-2 on page 6-4. This addressed changes to projects based on additional funding from the Moving Florida Forward Infrastructure Initiative and recent Federal and State appropriations and project phases added or changed in the FDOT Tentative Work Program of FY (fiscal year) 2025-2029. The 2045 LRTP serves as an instrument to identify needed improvements to the transportation network and provides a long-term investment framework that addresses current and future transportation challenges. Projects must be identified in the 2045 LRTP – Cost Feasible Plan in order to be incorporated in the Transportation Improvement Program.
For more information regarding the 2045 or prior LRTPs, contact the MPO office at: or call 239-252-5884.