The Collier MPO is in the process of updating its BPMP! Now is the time to participate and contribute to its development in creating a better place to walk or ride in all of Collier County.
Click here to take the second and final survey or scan the QR code in the graphic below! Click here to access the interactive map and here for its user guide! Details below.
The BPMP is being updated with assistance from Capital Engineering Solutions and guidance from the MPO’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), Citizens and Technical Advisory Committees (CAC and TAC), our agency planning partners, local advocacy groups and public input. The BPMP will serve as all of Collier County’s guiding document for project prioritization of pathway facilities.
The initial phase involved gathering information and creating an inventory of bike-ped facilities within the MPO’s jurisdiction that are:
- Existing – currently in place or construction will be complete by the end of 2024
- Programmed – facilities that are programmed for construction between 2025-2029 in the MPO’s Transportation Improvement Program, Collier County’s Capital Improvement Program or the Cities of Marco Island and Naples Capital Improvement Programs.
- Planned – facilities identified in the Everglades City, Marco Island or Naples Bike-Ped Master Plan, an MPO or County Feasibility Study, Walkable Community Study, Community Redevelopment Agency Master Plan or other locally adopted plan or study, in a Project Development and Environment Study or in the Preliminary Engineering (Design) phase.
An interactive map was created, combining these above elements with the results of a public survey inquiring about issues and goals released in the spring of 2024. Please take a few minutes to explore this map and, using the “edit” button, provide what comment and/or illustration you may have to contribute to improve facilities in the bicycle and pedestrian network in areas specified on the map. Remember to sign in to Google after opening the map to be able to edit. A BPMP interactive map user guide is available for instructions on how to use the map.
If you have any questions regarding the Interactive Map and User Guide, the 2024 BPMP Update or the 2019 Plan, contact Anne McLaughlin, MPO Director, at 239-252-5884 or send an email to:
Timeline and projected milestone dates in plan development:
- Interactive map will be open for public access and input until February. Between its release in August and then, it will close, be processed based on input received, rereleased for further input, then close again in February.
- Draft Evaluation Criteria and Scoring Matrix was released for review from BPAC on 9/17/24 and TAC & CAC on 9/23/24.
- Outreach meetings with Miccosukee Tribe on 10/17/24 and Seminole Tribe of Florida on 10/18/24
- First virtual public meeting was held on October 29th, 2024, with its video below, regarding:
- Analysis of the existing master plan and the direction of this plan’s update
- Goals and vision for the future
- Mapping of current and future bicycle-pedestrian facilities
- Scoring priorities for future projects
- A second public survey coincided with the first public meeting and is available here and at the link above.
- The draft BPMP will be presented for review to BPAC on 2/18/25, TAC & CAC on 2/24/25, again to BPAC on 3/18/25 and TAC 3/24/25 and to the MPO Board on 4/11/25.
- The second public meeting on the draft of the final plans, also potentially virtual, will be held in spring of 2025.
- The final BPMP will be presented for committee review to BPAC on 5/20/25, TAC & CAC on 5/26/25, and to the MPO Board for approval and adoption on 6/13/25.
Resource documents referenced in updating the BPMP:
Contact Sean Kingston, MPO Principal Planner, for more information at 239-252-5859 or via email:
Current and active: 2019 BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN
The purpose of the plan is to build on prior efforts to develop a first-class bicycle and pedestrian network throughout Collier County. This plan is not intended to duplicate or conflict with existing local plans and ongoing bicycle and pedestrian projects, but rather, to unify planning efforts and influence facility improvement priorities at the county level.
Click on the links below to download or view the current Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan adopted in 2019. These are large files. Please call the MPO office at 239-252-5814 if you have trouble downloading them.)
Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (2019)